For some reason, I never liked the word should. Wherever I hear it my head goes ding ding ding, pause. Consider an alternate approach. I used to think it had something to do with my rebel tendencies and as it challenges the way I value freedom. Freedom of thought. Freedom of speech. It is also
Wild soul
You don’t need another e-course or coaching, here’s why
Let me tell you a story. See if you resonate with any or all of it. You are a creative human, introverted or not. You have dreams of expressing your creativity in ways that feel right for you. You long to create amazing things, you cannot not create, sometimes you doubt the wonderful things you are
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Wild mind
Simple things that are working for me
When the last year started, I declared to myself – it is going to be my year. Not in a selfish kind of way but more in a getting to know yourself better kind of way. I had been feeling for a while that we are so indulged in our fast-paced lives, constantly moving, rushing