NCA, Thesis project 2012
Coinciding with postmodern ethos, my thesis project entails a variety of contemporary costume jewelry. The research that led to designing and manufacturing of these jewelry products has been an effort to accomplish two main objectives. First, coinciding with postmodern ethos, it provides a contemporary inexpensive jewelry solution in today’s exceedingly expensive jewelry market. Second, it addresses the problem of cultural identity by using design inspirations drawn from various Islamic architectural motifs that have been historically specific to our indigenous aesthetic values. The evolution of design process leading up to the production of jewelry specific to this thesis project is also incorporated.

Project I worked on as part of the Design Team while I was employed as Lead Jewelry and Accessories Designer by Shubinak Pvt. Ltd.
Disclaimer: I do not hold any rights to the Products and Photographs shared here-under. I am only sharing as part of my Portfolio.
The goal of “Plant four then cut one” campaign is to raise awareness about environmental catastrophe. We have chosen Deodar (Diar), the national tree of Pakistan, for inspiration. It is a popular ornamental, evergreen tree. People are unaware of its qualities and plenty of uses and in their ignorance, they keep cutting it for their usage despite the fact that it grows at a medium growth rate. This is alarming if the national tree of Pakistan becomes extinct from earth as it will be a great loss for humankind. Our purpose to choose is to make people aware of its importance and launch a campaign that would promote DIAR as a national tree of Pakistan so that people can fall in love with it and cherish it instead of getting deprive of it. Products depict different forms of Diar through its designs. Colors, taken from its original color palette, create harmony among the designs and products.

Project I worked on as part of the Design Team while I was employed as Lead Jewelry and Accessories Designer by Shubinak Pvt. Ltd.
Disclaimer: I do not hold any rights to the Products and Photographs shared here-under. I am only sharing as part of my Portfolio.
Experience of Kalash valley is an indulgent one. It almost cajoles you into keeping away from the chaotic outside life. Kalash is awash with color. It is almost as if the moist, lush greens and deep, softy blues of the mountains, river, and sky soak into you. The uniqueness of the culture, religious practices of the people of Kalash and the strange traditions come as a breath of fresh air. The people of Kalash are devoted to their traditions and culture and don’t violate their traditions and conventions. Their culture is a treasure belonging not only to Pakistan but to the whole world. Kalash is isolated and is not integrated into the mainstream Pakistani society. This project aims to preserve their culture and integrates it in a positive way by contributing in a local movement that was once started in 2001 as Kalash culture saving society (KCSS), aiming to protect the culture and conserve it for future generation. Getting inspiration from the culture and dress of Kalash, we have played around with the color palettes. The originality of the Kalash culture provides much room for a creative mind to explore various possibilities within the rich repertoire of design choices that these people have preferred.