Finding Your Version of Success

I believe we all have different versions of what we perceive to be successful. We all have different perceptions of what success looks and feels like for us. Our version of success helps us understand what we want from our creative work and lives. I have been thinking a lot about my version of success lately and this post is to inspire you to do the same. This is a reminder for you as much as it is for me to define what our lives could look like when we put intention into our approach, our work and the way we show up in our work and lives. Also, when we make an intentional choice of practicing courage by naming, claiming and shaping it up on our own terms in our own unique, messy and human way. Knowing exactly what we are after, what are we striving for and why are we striving in the first place is the perfect cure for days when we are feeling overwhelmed and stuck. It reminds us of why we started in the first place and what will happen if we just keep going.

Coming back to success being a subjective term, and how everyone has their own meanings associated with them. It is different for all of us because we all have different desires, dreams, and ways in which we feel fulfilled and happy. Some want to have well-paid jobs, some want to travel abroad, some want to have enough time and space to be with their family, others want to have a fulfilling art career, some want to own a beautiful house, and others might want to be doing simply what they love. What works for me might not work for you. You might want something entirely different from life and that’s perfectly okay. You are allowed to want what you want, and it is a-okay if your version looks wildly different than anyone else’s. Every single version is unique. there are no right or wrong answers here. Every version is individual and true to what that person truly desires.

We also have a culturally suitable version of success. While growing up we all picked up the same image of what success looks like, fancy clothes, fancy house, fancy car, fancy job. We learned to believe there is only one acceptable and widely popular way of being successful. Sub-consciously we still are striving for the same version of success. If you notice yourself wanting to have something just because you think you should have it not because you truly desire – that’s a sign of our cultural conditioning. Following this version of success will leave you feeling miserable and empty inside. Your version is yours and yours only.

As for me, success right now is, you reading this blog post and giving me a chance to help you figure out your version of success in your creative work and life. I’m honored to be welcomed in your thoughts and life as a part of your mindful moments. It could mean something entirely different for you, anything that you can possibly imagine.

In a more broader sense, success to me is living a wholehearted, courageous and brave life not heroic but brave in subtle ways where I can live my truth out loud, explore my curiosities as I go, share what I am learning, what I believe in, be of service and inspire others to do the same.

My hope is to prompt you to find out what that version looks and feels like for you. It could be anything that your heart truly desires. Be it love, fame, joy, freedom, more time, travel, money or whatsoever. This clarity of thought will make you a tiny bit more closer to what you want your creative work and life to look like. It will become much easier to cut through the noise and focus all your attention on what truly matters to you. Challenging preconceived notions is not an easy thing to do. It requires emotional labor and courage. And I know you are brave enough to set the rules on your own terms instead of impulsively following and acquiring the accepted norms, you can choose to interpret your truth in a way that feels right for you. It is okay if the definition of your success is not in accordance with the traditional definition of success.

Some helpful questions to ask:

  • I encourage you to question the version of success you think you should have with a more deeper and relevant question – what you are after? More freedom, more joy or ____ (insert anything).
  • What would it look like for you to feel successful and fulfilled in your creative work and life?
  • Also, how are you going to measure your success? What metrics are you going to measure your success against? You can choose the metrics you will measure your success against keeping in mind your version of success and what feels right for you.

Once you do come up with a definition of what your version of success looks and feels like, I want you to remember this – Your definition of success is allowed to change depending on which season of life and creative work you are in.


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  • Amazing words as always and I agree with this concept. But it does require one to be brave.
    But the real peace definitely lies in living up to what your heart desires.
    Thanks for writing this post.